What is the RHIT Exam?

Before you can work as a Registered Health Information Technician, you must take and pass the RHIT exam. This test is available from the American Health Information Management Association to those who register in advance and meet some basic requirements. While you might take the test after finishing your college degree, you also have the option of taking the test early and while you are still in school. Find out more about this exam and how you can better prepare yourself for taking it before you head online and register.

Who is Eligible?

RHIT professionals must have a strong understanding of patient confidentiality laws and skills working with computer software. You can develop all the skills you need in an accredited college degree program. Before registering for this exam, you will need to complete a health information technician program that has accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIM). CAHIM only accredits programs that include all the requirements it puts in place. If you attended a foreign college that has an agreement in place with the testing board, you may also qualify to take the exam.

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For Early Testers

According to the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), you can also register to take the exam before graduating from college as long as you meet some eligibility requirements. Early testing is available for those currently enrolled in an accredited degree program who are one semester away from graduation. Early testing is also open to those who have completed the health information technician program requirements but still need to complete other basic requirements, and those who already graduated but have not yet received their certificates or degrees.

Registering for the Exam

To register for the Registered Health Information Technician exam, you must go online to the official AHIMA website and complete an application. The exam costs $299, but members of AHIMA can register to take the test for a reduced price. You must use a credit card or debit card to pay for the exam, and anyone registering for the exam online must also create an account with the website. You will need to submit proof of your college degree and meet other basic requirements before the site will let you take the exam. The site also offers several test prep courses that you can buy and take before taking the full test.

Before You Take the Exam

The official test consists of 150 multiple choice questions that cover seven different areas of study. You have just 3.5 hours to finish as many questions as you can. While you can purchase test prep courses from the AHIMA, you can also find free resources and sample tests online. The test is worth 400 points, and you must score 300 or higher to pass. You may find it helpful to look over a copy of the Professional Review Guide for RHIT Examinations. This book and study guide is available online and through many bookstores.

Passing the RHIT is the only way that you can work as a registered technician in a hospital or medical facility. This exam covers seven different subject areas that you study in college. If you receive a score of 300 or higher, you will successfully pass the exam and can start your career as a Registered Health Information Technician.